{"swagger": "2.0", "info": {"title": "InvoiceXchange", "description": "This page contains the documentation on how to use Crowdz Invoice Exchange through API calls.\n\n> Note: This documentation is still in development, so for missing parts you may have to\n[reverse engineer the Crowdz API] to figure out how to use an API endpoint, OR you can contact us at support@crowdz.io \n\n### Request Content-Type\n\nThe Content-Type for POST and PUT requests can be set to `application/x-www-form-urlencoded`,\n`application\\json`.\n\n### Endpoint Names and Response Content-Type\n\nMost API endpoints takes input in JSON.\nThe URL `/invoice/create` or `/invoice/create/` takes invoice details in JSON to create invoice,\n# Authentication\n\nSome endpoints may not require any authentication, pretty much anything else will\nrequire you to be authenticated.\n\nTo become authenticated you will need to create an API Key from the \"API Access\" menu in dashboard. You can visit your API dashboard at given URL https://exchange.crowdz.io/invoiceExchange/api/key/create/\n\nOnce you have your API Key you can pass it in header while calling APIs. Key should be \"Authorization\" and value should be \"Api-Key \" followed by your API Key.\nas an HTTP header like this:\n```\ncurl -X POST \"https://exchange.crowdz.io/invx/api/v1/invoice/create\" \\\n-H \"Authorization: Api-Key 714552c6148e1617aeab526d0606184b94a80ec048fc09894ff1a72b740c5f19\"\n```\nand this is how POST requests will look:\n```\ncurl -X POST \"https://exchange.crowdz.io/invx/api/v1/invoice/create\" \\\n-H \"Content-Type: application/json;\" \\\n-H \"Api-Key: 714552c6148e1617aeab526d0606184b94a80ec048fc09894ff1a72b740c5f19\" \\\n--request POST --data { \"InvoiceHeader\": {...}, \"Invoice_Line\": [ { \"invoice_items\": {...}, \"line_header\": {...} } ] }\n```\n", "termsOfService": "", "contact": {"email": "info@crowdz.io"}, "license": {"name": "Copyright \u00a9 Crowdz"}, "x-logo": {"backgroundColor": "#FFFFFF", "url": "https://media.crowdz.io/invx-static/api/logo-black-purple.png"}, "version": "v1"}, "host": "api.crowdz.io", "schemes": ["http"], "basePath": 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