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Secure Onboarding with Real-Time Fraud Prevention

As part of the automated onboarding process, in addition to its risk-scoring capabilities, Crowdz also offers banks and other financial entities real-time, automated fraud-prevention tools built into the system.

Enhanced Due Diligence 

  • Identity verification

  • Synthetic fraud prevention

  • KYC: Know your customer assessment (for principals, directors, and UBOs), including financial fraud, other sanctions, PEPs, and adverse media

  • KYB: Know your business assessment, including financial fraud, other sanctions, PEPs, and adverse media

  • AML: Anti-money laundering assessment
    Shorten the gap between completing work and getting paid for it.

Automated Real-Time Assessments for Identity, Fraud, and Compliance

Fortify your onboarding with Crowdz's advanced real-time checks or seamlessly integrate your existing processes—choose the assurance your institution needs today.