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Crowdz joins the ITFA

We are pleased to announce that Crowdz recently joined the prestigious International Trade and Forfaiting Association, ITFA. This is a worldwide association and forum for banks, insurers, financial institutions and fintech companies engaged in trade and forfaiting. The ITFA is at the cutting edge of trade and trade finance globally, specifically in the trade risk,...

We are pleased to announce that Crowdz recently joined the prestigious International Trade and Forfaiting Association, ITFA. 

This is a worldwide association and forum for banks, insurers, financial institutions and fintech companies engaged in trade and forfaiting. The ITFA is at the cutting edge of trade and trade finance globally, specifically in the trade risk, asset origination and distribution space. The Association organizes seminars, conferences and networking activities as well as lobby for legal and regulatory changes within the industry. Crowdz looks forward to leveraging this membership for events, education, seminars and business development opportunities. To learn more about this organization please visit: https://itfa.org

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