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5 Reasons To White Label Your Supply Chain Finance Program

VP of Global Business Development and Sales Steve Boderck reveals why Supply Chain Finance as a service (SCFaaS) has never been easier—or more necessary.

VP of Global Business Development and Sales Steve Boderck reveals why SCFaaS has never been easier—or more necessary. 


An extension of Crowdz’s offering, the white-label program aims to help businesses of all sizes gain more control over their cash flow and growth. Never has that been more important than today. “The beauty is that businesses get a vetted and robust program that’s easy to put into place. And they don’t have to build a thing,” says Vice President Global Business Development and Sales, Steve Boderck. The unique supply chain finance as a service (SCFaaS) platform doubles as a tool for Crowdz to scale sustainably, increase revenue and our customer base, and drive traction due to what Boderck describes as a multiplier effect. “If just 10 percent of suppliers came on the platform as a result and uploaded two or three invoices, that is way more than four business developers could do in a month’s work.”

Here, the VP shares the five best reasons to partner with Crowdz through supply chain financing.


Reason 1: A Positive Economic Impact 

“Our mission has always been to help SMEs get access to cash and liquidity through their receivables for immediate use. Looking ahead toward COVID-19 recovery, which we’re currently tracking to be 12–18 months, companies could use the white label to keep their supply chain intact and in a position to grow. Ultimately, it would enable them to do their part in helping themselves, their business, their customers, and the economy.” 


Reason 2: We’re In It For The Long Haul

For enterprising companies, this means our long-term benefits extend well past the current pandemic. “Our white label is a perpetual program that is accessible at any time,” explains Boderck. “Unlike other supply chain programs, Crowdz supports businesses with an invoice asset they already have and when they need it.” 


Reason 3: A Source Of Revenue 

“This program can be a revenue stream for enterprising companies. If they are funding it, they are making that percentage back—and that’s very attractive.” The additional cash flow generated can be a revenue stream for manufacturers or even just used to cover costs.


Reason 4: Supply Chain Finance As A Service

Crowdz has applied the concept of Platform as a service and applied it to supply chain finance. Much in the way PaaS makes it easy to deploy, run, and manage a custom application without building the infrastructure from the ground up, the business dev VP revealed that the white label program would also offer a dynamic set of capabilities. Among them: an invoice exchange and loan origination. “By partnering with us, companies would get the current version of our SCFaaS solution and the extra functionalities. Plus, the data-backed insights those services provide.” He points out that SMEs taking full advantage of Crowdz’s proprietary algorithms and analytics will be empowered to put that data back into play within their supply chain. 


Reason 5: Put Untapped Cash To Work

“A lot of companies are sitting on a lot of cash, this is a way for them to put that to work in a beneficial way,” notes Boderck. “You can do more than just pay your supplier back in 15 days; you can actually help them with their other invoices and help their business track. This is a great option for those searching for a meaningful and effective way to make use of their cash reserves.”  


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