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Crowdz Funds $75M Receivables for Small Businesses

Crowdz announced $75 million funded receivables for small businesses! This major milestone demonstrates our commitment and dedication to helping small and medium businesses (SMBs) fuel their growth.

How our team is helping small businesses accelerate their cash flow.

Crowdz is happy to announce we have officially hit the $75 million mark in funded receivables! This major milestone demonstrates our commitment and dedication to helping small and medium businesses (SMBs) fuel their growth.


What It Means for Our Customers

Our priority is to make sure our customers have immediate access to working capital in the most efficient manner possible. By offering an alternative funding option for businesses, we are able to provide new liquidity into already established payment cycles. As we have continued to fund more receivables, we took note of emerging trends, and began to implement new features into our platform that could best serve our customers. 

We are excited to announce support for Recurring Revenue as one soon-to-be released feature. A solution for the subscription-based model that makes it easy for businesses to invest, forecast, and scale faster by unlocking working capital on their terms. Businesses that operate on a recurring revenue model can benefit up to 12 months of funding in advance! 

Through enhancements like these on our platform, we can ensure business owners are able to accelerate their cash flow with a simple and streamlined solution.


The Importance of Cash Flow

The significance of a healthy cash flow cannot be understated. First, cash flow allows for businesses to meet their current financial obligations which can include expenses such as rent, payroll, and equipment. Most businesses have experienced a cash flow disruption at some point, and without having funds set aside, it could impede on the businesses ability to stay afloat.

One of the core focuses of Crowdz Marketplace is ensuring business owners are able to effectively navigate and manage difficult cash flow circumstances. Supply chain interference can be inevitable and out of your control. With Crowdz, you’re able to mitigate any potential cash flow risk, helping you stay prepared by accelerating the payment cycle. As an entrepreneur, you should be focused on growing your business, and spending less time on chasing payments.


Unlock New Growth Opportunities

Cash flow has a profound impact on the ability for a business to scale effectively. Imagine being able to receive affordable working capital immediately on your outstanding receivables. This flexibility is key in providing versatility on when and where you want to reinvest into your business.

As a business owner there’s a multitude of areas you can reinvest your new cash flow: research and development, new infrastructure, technology, and increasing inventory. By accelerating your newfound cash flow, you put yourself in a better position to think strategically, and long-term. The last thing you want as a business owner is having to make decisions from a reactionary point of view.


$75M and Growing

Funding $75M in receivables is a milestone worth celebrating for not only Crowdz, but the small businesses we serve. We are happy to see more and more business owners continuing to adopt the platform and fund their invoices on the Crowdz Global Receivables Marketplace. We believe in leveling the playing field where businesses can innovate and grow to strengthen their local economies and communities. By empowering business owners with our platform, we are able to do our part in providing a solution for when difficult cash flow circumstances arrive. We are looking forward to continuing our mission in helping businesses get paid faster.


What It Means for Our Company

Our goal has always been to speed up cash flow for small businesses. This milestone highlights the importance of having access to capital empowering entrepreneurs to scale and grow their businesses. 

Having positive cash flow is vital to the health of businesses around the world. “Crowdz is focused on working with small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in the supply chain enabling them to survive and thrive. Our innovative solutions ensure that SMEs can improve their cash flow at any time enabling expansion and reducing risk in the global supply chain.” said Payson Johnston CEO and Co-Founder of Crowdz.

Ready for your business to get paid faster? Click here to get started.



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