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Team Spotlight: Cristel Rossignol, UI, Marketing and Brand Designer Lead

Introducing our UI, Marketing and Brand Designer Lead Our UI, Marketing and Branding designer, Cristel Rossignol, reveals what makes Crowdz unique, a career path that started with donuts and an obsession for water. What are some highlights from your professional background? Working with startups – small and big ones – have been a crazy,...

Introducing our UI, Marketing and Brand Designer Lead

Our UI, Marketing and Branding designer, Cristel Rossignol, reveals what makes Crowdz unique, a career path that started with donuts and an obsession for water.


What are some highlights from your professional background? 

Working with startups – small and big ones – have been a crazy, fun journey. From digging into the floral industry with BloomNation to traveling around the world with WordPress and making fruit art with Instacart. I certainly learned a versatile approach to design while gaining flexibility to an ever changing environment.


Why was Crowdz a match for you? 

It’s really Stacey, the head of Marketing, and Tom, the Art director, who first sold me on Crowdz. The company had been around for a while but everything branding, marketing and UI needed a refresh. A blank canvas sounded absolutely exciting, even more so that the designers got a lot of freedom and openness from the founders Payson, Steven and Kevin.


What’s your role? 

I joined as a marketing designer, and quickly took on branding and UI work – to my delight!


What are some of the hats you wear (known or unknown)?

Yogis student, Axir’s outdoor event organizer, reliable friend and little sister.


Why were you interested in working with Crowdz?

Crowdz team is composed of smart, kind and loyal people with a grandiose vision and impressive backgrounds. I’m glad to be part of a company which has for goals to help businesses in a way that contributes sustainably to the global economy.


What is the future for Crowdz?

A distributed, global and diverse company known for its ability to deliver quality tools for small and medium businesses as well as investors.


What’s one fun fact we don’t know about you? 

I absolutely have to be or live where water can be found near by. Whether it is the Fleuve St-Laurent in Québec or the Pacific Ocean!


If you could choose anyone as your mentor, who would you pick? 

I currently have a mentor. It’s someone who’s completely different than me – a business oriented person. I think every designer should have a business guidance in their life.


What’s the weirdest job you’ve ever had? 

I painted butterflies on kids face, sang morning songs with Wal Mart’s crew, planted baby trees, made sushis, pizza, baking goods, and the list goes on!


If you could learn anything, what would it be?

I am currently trying to become fluent in Spanish!


What is the first concert you attended? 

Kanye West in its debut in Québec, Canada. I don’t think he is planning on going back!


If you have 30-minutes of free time, how do you pass the time? 

Definitely some outdoor exercises or stretches at the park!

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